24 December, 2008

Ho ho ho

Just a quick post from me today. It's Christmas Eve, 9.30pm and I'm alternating between wrapping presents and making tomorrows trifle. Sadly the custard making didn't go to plan and I ended up shoving it through a sieve. Oh, the shame. And no, I couldn't buy the ready made stuff because it's the wrong consistency. Still, it's going to taste nice and I've got a Flake ready to crumble over the top when the cream goes on. Mmmmmm.

Still. Here I am, a confirmed atheist preparing for a Christian festival. I console myself with the knowledge that the Christians just plonked it on top of the original Midwinter fun n' frolics so as far as I'm concerned that's okay. Besides, it's a chance to eat like there's no tomorrow. I'll be spending the day with friends but I have a small jar of pickled onions and a packet of Ritz crackers to eat at my leisure.

I hope you all have a lovely time over the next few days and here's to 2009, whatever it may bring.


KAZ said...

Happy Christmas to you - hope there was plenty of alcohol in that trifle.

SSS said...

Thanks, Kaz, Happy Christmas to you too. Sadly the trifle is going to be eaten by children (and I have no sherry) but there will be plenty of alcohol to go with it!

NiC said...

Hope you had a great time and trifle.

"What's that, you want to know the plot of the Dr.Who Xmas special? OK...here goes....."

Maybe I shouldn't ;)

SSS said...

I'd kill you with my bare hands!

We're getting the Christmas special in just under 4 weeks, very unusual for us. I'm very excited!